Now This Agreement Witnesseth as Follows

/Now This Agreement Witnesseth as Follows

Now This Agreement Witnesseth as Follows

Agreement concluded at Ottawa on 28 June 1946 between the Minister of Finance of Canada, hereinafter referred to as `the Minister`, for the first part, and the Government of the Czechoslovak Republic, represented by his Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Canada, Mr Frantisek Pavlasek, of the second Part: CONSIDERING that, by an Agreement of 1 March 1945, as amended by an Agreement of 26 June 1945 (hereinafter referred to as the Main Agreement), the Government of Canada has agreed to provide the Government of the Czechoslovak Republic with a loan of up to nineteen million dollars ($19,000,000); CONSIDERING that, by Council Decision P.C. 2665 of 28 June 1946, the Minister of Finance was duly authorized to conclude an agreement with the Government of the Czechoslovak Republic on the extension of the period during which the loan may be used for a further period of twelve months. WELL, THIS AGREEMENT TESTIFIES that the parties hereby agree and agree to the following: The menu is not available if Javascript is disabled. AGREEMENT BETWEEN CANADA AND CZECHOSLOVAKIA AMENDING THE FINANCIAL AGREEMENT SIGNED BETWEEN THE TWO COUNTRIES ON MARCH 1, 1945, AS AMENDED BY AN AGREEMENT SIGNED ON JUNE 26, 1945 Information identified as archived on the Internet is for reference, search or registration purposes. It has not been modified or updated since it was archived. Web pages archived on the Web are not subject to Canadian government web standards. In accordance with the Communications Policy of the Government of Canada, you may request alternative formats by contacting us. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties shall cause such gifts to be signed on the day and year in which the first year was written above. 1. The main agreement is amended by deleting the words “twelve months” and “twelve months” wherever they appear in the main agreement and replacing them with “twenty-four months”. CONSIDERING that the main agreement provides that the balance may be used within twelve months of the date of the first payment, CONSIDERING that the Government of the Czechoslovak Republic has requested that the period within which the credit may be used be extended by a further twelve months, and.


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