Monat Global Market Partner Agreement

/Monat Global Market Partner Agreement

Monat Global Market Partner Agreement

All market partners ensure and promote the good reputation of MONAT and its products. The marketing and promotion of MONAT, the MONAT Opportunity, the Compensation Plan and MONAT products must be consistent with the public interest and avoid any gross, misleading, misleading, unethical or immoral conduct or practice. In order to promote both the products and the enormous opportunities offered by MONAT, market partners must use the sales aids and materials produced by MONAT. The rationale for this requirement is simple. MONAT has carefully designed its products, product labels, compensation plans and promotional materials to ensure that every aspect of MONAT is fair, truthful, reasoned and meets the extensive and complex legal requirements of federal and state laws. If ES MONAT Market`s partners were allowed to develop their own sales aids and promotional materials despite their integrity and good intentions, the likelihood that they would inadvertently violate a number of laws or regulations affecting a MONAT company is almost certain. These violations, even if they are relatively rare, would jeopardize the MONAT opportunity for all market partners. Therefore, market partners may not create their own documentation, advertising, sales aid, sales tools, promotional material or websites without the written permission of MONAT. Market Partners may also not use any documentation, advertising, sales aids, sales tools, promotional materials or websites from a source other than the Company. Market partners can download and receive approved promotional material via the back office. MONAT is a direct selling company that markets its products through independent market partners (“Market Partner” or “Market Partner”).

It is important to understand that your success and that of your other market partners depends on the integrity of the people who market our products. In order to clearly define the relationship between the market partners and MONAT and to explicitly establish a standard for acceptable business conduct, MONAT defined the agreement. MONAT Marketplace Partners are required to comply with all policies and procedures that MONAT may change from time to time in its sole reasonable discretion, as well as all federal, state and local laws governing their independent MONAT activities and conduct. Because you may not be familiar with many of these standards of practice, it is very important that you read and follow these policies and procedures. Please read the information contained in these policies and procedures carefully as they explain and govern your relationship as an independent contractor with the Company. If you have any questions about a policy or rule, feel free to get an answer from your sponsor or MONAT. All active market partners with a good reputation have the right to sponsor other people and include them in DIE MONAT. Each potential partner in the market has the ultimate right to choose its own sponsor.

If two market partners claim to be the sponsor of the same new market partner, the company considers the first request received by the company to be a control. When sponsoring a new market partner through the online registration process, the proponent can assist the new applicant in completing the registration documents. However, the applicant must personally review and accept the MONAT online application and agreement, policies and procedures, as well as the MONAT compensation plan. The Sponsor cannot complete the online application and online agreement on behalf of the applicant and accept these documents on behalf of the applicant. Market partners can exhibit and/or sell MONAT products at trade fairs and trade shows. Before submitting a deposit to the promoter, market partners must contact MONAT`s Ministry of interior and obtain written authorization for conditional approval, as MONAT`s policy is to approve only one MONAT transaction per event. Final approval will be granted to the first partner in the market, who will submit an official announcement for the event, a copy of the contract signed by the market partner and the event official, as well as a receipt indicating that a deposit has been made for the stand. Trust is granted only for the specified event. Any request to participate in future events should be addressed to the Market Partner Support Service. MONAT also reserves the right to refuse permission to participate in an event that it does not consider an appropriate forum to promote its products or the MONAT opportunity. Exchange meetings, garage sales, flea markets or farmers` markets are not approved because these events are not conducive to the professional image that MONAT wants to portray. .

By |2022-03-16T03:18:45+00:00março 16th, 2022|Sem categoria|0 Comentários

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